Posted by Tayloe Gray on Dec 2, 2009 in Fishing Report | Comments Off on Fall and Winter 2009

Hello Everybody! Should have been posting more often, but it’s been hard to stay off the water with all of the fishing opportunities that have been available this Fall. Offshore fishing has been really consistent with the Wahoos , Sails and Tunas. I fished the Wounded Warriors Tournament out of Bridge Tender Marina in Wrightsville Beach on the 54′ Jarrett Bay “Chicken Ship” with Capt. Adam Thompson and we had 8 Wahoo in the 40lb range along with some Blackfin Tuna. It was a real honor to be able to give back to some of the guys risking their lives for our Country! Also the King Mackeral and Gag Grouper bite has been strong all fall and should continue through the winter.
Inshore fishing has been outstanding as well with BIG Speckled Trout, Drum, and Flounder. We have had many double digit ‘Inshore Slams’ and the Trout and Drum have been eager to eat Topwater plugs(my favorite method) and on the high Fall tides there have been plenty of shallow water ‘tailing’ Reds to sneak up on and throw the fly to. Speaking of Fly Fishing, this years’ Cape Fear Red Trout Tournament was afforded some real tough conditions to say the least with 20kt winds and cold, wet days. But I had the pleasure to fish Keith and Jeanette Gallaher of Fayetteville who braved the weather and primarily used fly tackle. Both anglers had to weed through many just undersize Reds, but with persistence, Keith was able to capture a qualifying Red as well as a very nice Trout, both on Fly, as well as another good Red on topwater to earn Fly Division Champion and the Most Redfish Award. Congratulations Keith!
Well that is what has been going on around Wrightsville Beach, as I am writing there is ANOTHER big low pressure moving through and I can’t wait for the weather to break so we can get out and catch some Trout as we had 50 on the last trip!
Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon