Posted by Tayloe Gray on Oct 7, 2008 in Fishing Report | Comments Off on Fall Fishing Firing Off ’08

If you have been saving your pennies to come fishing this fall, break open the bank! Both Offshore and Inshore fishing have been fantastic! Above is a picture of a Sailfish we caught last Wednesday along with 10 nice Wahoos! Friday we had 12 Â more Wahoos and Yesterday we caught 41 Dolphin(Mahi Mahi), although most were on the small side, we had alot of action. There are many open days this fall and the fishing should stay good through the New Year.
Inshore action has been stellar as well with Slams(Redfish, Trout, and Flounder on the same Day) most every trip and lots of aggressive topwater bites! The Redfish was 31″ and the Trout was 23″ and both fell for Topwater Plugs, and on the day we caught the Red we also caught 2 more Reds and over 30 Trout!! I believe it is setting up to be a memorable Fall Season for both Speckled Trout and Redfish as well as Flounder.
So give me a call if you can make it out on the water, and if you can’t, sorry you had to see this.
Thanks, Jon